Strawberry Smoothie

Strawberry Smoothie


  1. Fresh Strawberry- 8-10 cut into pieces.
  2. Whole milk- 2 glasses.
  3. Sugar/Honey to taste.
  4. Strawberry ice-cream- 1 scoop. (optional).
  • In a blender, add sugar/honey and strawberries and blend them together into a smooth paste.
  • Add chilled milk and blend everything together.

Pour the smoothie in a glass and add a scoop of strawberry ice-cream on the top. Garnish it with a strawberry slit on the top of the glass.

Make this for yourself, for your friends and kids. This smoothie is a favourite in all age group.
Let me know if you try any of my recipe and share it with your friends.
Happy Cooking!


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