Indian Chai (Tea)

Indian Chai (tea)

Servings-2 cups


Water- 1 ½ cup 
Ginger- 1 very small cube smashed
Black Pepper- A pinch
Cardamom- 2 pods
Tea- (Either bag or loose)
Milk- 1 cup
Sugar to taste.


*Thing to remember- for 1 ½ cup of water you add 1 cup of milk (skimmed or full fat).

  1. In a sauce pan, boil water along with ginger, cardamom and black pepper.
  2. Once the water has come to boil add 1 ½ table spoon or 3 bags of tea.
  3. Let it boil for a while, once you see the water has reduced a little and you get the warm fragrance of the spices brewed along with the tea;  add milk.
  4. Now allow the tea to boil until the raw flavour of milk has evaporated.
  5. Sieve it in two cups, add sugar and serve hot!
Make yourself comfortable in a cozy sofa and enjoy your hot cup of tea alone or with friends and family. You can serve it with some scones or cookies.

Let me know how you lovely people enjoyed this recipe and do share it with your friends and family.
Stay blessed and Happy cooking!!


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